Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Searching for the Fountain of Youth

There are several spokes in feeling young and being healthy: diet, exercise, social life, even laughter. But there is one very critical facet that we don't seem to address and that is maintaining spinal flexibility. Think about it. We sit at a desk for 8+ hours a day or work on our feet and how many of us hold perfect posture throughout the day? I know I don't and my back is the first thing to suffer. The back is the most requested area for focused work that I get in my practice. 

Spinal work is one of the many things that I absolutely love about yoga. Now I'm not suggesting everyone should go and start a yoga practice but keep in mind that if you don't lengthen the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia to their full length at least a few times a week, they will gradually shorten and limit the nearby joint's mobility. I'd like to suggest a couple very easy stretches that you can incorporate throughout your day to help keep the spine supple. 

First thing in the morning is when my body feels the stiffest; I'm talking ZERO flexibility. My favorite stretch to do to get some circulation going in my back is called Marjariasana or Cat-Cow pose. It involves just a slight backbend and followed by a rounding of the back. Breathe in when you backbend and breathe out when you round your back.

Spinal twists are one of my all time favorite things (and also my favorite part of Thai Massage). There are so many benefits for spinal twists such as a detoxifying, cleansing, and refreshing effect on the torso organs and associated glands as well as stimulating circulation. The organs are compressed during twists, pushing out metabolic wastes and toxins. When the twist is released, fresh blood flows in which carries oxygen and the building blocks for tissue healing. Note: if you're pregnant or have any sort of spinal injury, consult with your doctor before trying any spinal twists.

The first seated spinal twist (which can also be done in your office chair) is called Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Flies pose. That already sounds like an adventure to me! This pose is good for improved digestion. To begin you want to feel rooted down to the ground (or chair) and simultaneously feel like there's a string attached to your head and someone is pulling up. So lengthen on the inhale and twist on the exhale. Allow your head and neck to be the last to twist-we're focusing more on the thoracic (middle) area of spine.

My favorite of the twists is called Supta Matsyendrasana or Reclined Lord of the Flies pose. For me, I feel a more intense stretch doing spinal twists while laying on the floor. Again you want to take a deep breath before doing the twist and then exhale and slowly twist to one side. The goal is to get your knee to the floor while also keeping that opposite shoulder on the ground. It's not important if your knee ever reaches the ground (mine doesn't always) it's just something to visualize while you stretch.
I hope you enjoy these stretches as much as I do and I promise you will feel a difference if you do them regularly. Now if I could just find a yoga pose to decrease wrinkles...

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